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Tips & Tricks Unix/Linux: Regain Lost Virtual Terminal


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Today, I will share a very small and neat trick to regain access to the Virtual Terminal, which and if is lost/uninstalled accidentally.

Someone had questioned me back in June, about gaining access to a terminal when the desktop's virtual terminal has been removed. I thought why not share the same here, as there are many Unix/Linux users here.
I will be assuming you do use the Linux terminal.

On most Linux distributions, at least all of those which still install the X.Org display software, you can run the command xterm to get a simplified terminal emulator. On most desktops you can press Alt+F2 to run any command, including xterm. It's nothing fanciful, however it will give you the required shell access and allow you to re-install your usual terminal.

Alternatively you can use the Ctrl+Alt+F2 keyboard combination to switch from graphical mode to a terminal. This will give you a text console where you can sign in and perform rescue operations or install missing packages. You can return to the graphical environment by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F7 or, on some distributions, Ctrl+Alt+F1.

Question: Do you use one of the popular desktop environment terminals such as Konsole or GNOME Terminal? Do you use a classic virtual terminal such as xterm or even the local text console? Let me know your preferred terminal environment in the comments below.