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Is There A Faster Version Of Windows 10?

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Is there a faster version of windows 10 or are they all just the same?

I'm thinking about upgrading from windows 7 to windows 10 and wanted to know if there is a faster version of windows 10 or has a performance boost so I can install it for my old laptop. Thanks!

Uncle Mac

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They are very very close to all the same and do a complete install and not an upgrade.. Check your laptop spec's first though..

Uncle Mac

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Is there a faster version of windows 10 or are they all just the same?

I'm thinking about upgrading from windows 7 to windows 10 and wanted to know if there is a faster version of windows 10 or has a performance boost so I can install it for my old laptop. Thanks!

Alright mate! it's time to examine and end this thread right here right now: Continue reading you might love it........ :nod:

1. Let start from this specification so you can consider what yours laptop have. See that OS running at image:

- It's a Hp Compaq Elite 8000 Slim Business Desktop
- DDR3 - 6GB Ram
- Intel Core 2 Quad @6600 @2.40GHz, 2400Mhz, 4 cores - 8MB cache.
- 2GB internal Graphic card.
- OS complete name: Windows 10 Pro RS1 v.1607.14393.351 En-us x64 Oct2016 v.3 Pre-Activated-=TEAM OS=- (Latest version now available but i've running same OS since it released with OCT updates and now i have upto date OS till 15 December)
- Default Boot time 15 to 20 second between. it might less but get longer to start up.
- Current boot time 20 to 25 seconds after installing each software i mostly need.
- My pc running like a charm with these specification that i effort. See here windows 10 minimum requirement:

Note: More application/programs installed more time needed to get started. due to ignorance to apps start with startup but you might control them. And due to some uncompatible programs/Drivers your OS might run slower and it might took time to get started. So do your best to manage everything.

2. I cannot refer/prefer anything else beside these sections if you really want to go with windows 10:

A) Separate x64 OS'es:
- Pick any latest build and give it a try. these releases made by the one and only the king of softwares/OS @The Rain so no worries each of the build has brilliant performance no difference beside updates only.

B) Including x86 + x64 OS'es ISO:
- Pick any latest or suitable build for your Laptop. as you can see Redstone 2 also available so make your choice after considering the difference between them. Read Description for better knowledge.

3. Before you ask ''what is RS1 and RS2'' ''what is AIO/Msdn/etc'' ''what is the difference between pro/home/etc'' so here the anwsers:

- What is RS1/RS2 & what is difference between pro/home.. kindly read this post:
- What is AIO/Msdn/etc. kindly read this post:

4. Somehow somewhere due to any less specification, if your laptop cannot handle x64 base windows 10/7 or any other low specification:

- We have some Lite/Minimal/Slim versions of windows 10, so you might check them and least you might go with x86 (32bit)
- We have some Lite/Minimal versions of windows 7 too, so you might also check them. Read description must.
- Else you may go with windows 8.1 normal editions. But we don't have modified minimal versions.
- Search in these categories if you suppose to check lite/minimal versions: - -
- When you have choosed and downloaded any OS then here you can see How to Create Bootable USB:

i dare to help closer mate!
I'm sure i left no question's space that might be asks later! LOL Anyways have a good read and best of luck! :) Merry Christmas in advanced. Regards, SaM

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