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Idm- Connection Closed By The Server

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Sir, In my college internet can be accessed through cyberoam captive portal and restricted to some web pages.
After logging in , and when i try to downlaod files through IDM, It is showing a message like
' Connection closed by the server '.
Because of cyberoam captive portal , i cannot download the files through IDM and i cannot surf all webpages

Please,kindly tell me a solution

Uncle Mac

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Stream & Network issue.

The search appliance is unable to reach the destination URL due to network issues.

Troubleshooting: To confirm the issue, try either of the following options:

  • Perform a manual fetch of the problematic URL on the Admin Console page Content Sources > Diagnostics > Real-time Diagnostics > Manual fetch request. You should receive an error "Retrying URL: Connection closed by server".
  • Perform a packet capture on the Admin Console using the page Secure Search > Real-time diagnostics > Run packet capture(tcpdump). Analyze the packet capture to check whether the content server responds to the search appliance's requests.
Fix: As this is a network issue, please contact your network team to fix the problem.


Your streaming provider can sometimes close a connection if they are not receiving data consistently. Below is an outline of a few issues that could contribute to getting a "connection closed by server" error:

-The Upload bandwidth from your Internet Service Provider (ISP) can sometimes fluctuate. Try lowering your video bitrate (make sure it doesn't exceed available upload bandwidth - use to check your connection, or download the app on your main switching device). You can lower the bitrate in the Outputs tab by adjusting the parameters for your channel.

-Make sure your video resolution matches the settings selected on your streaming provider's account. If the streaming video service expects 640x360 video, you need to make sure that you are sending out video at 640x360, and not something like 1280x720. This can also be adjusted through the channel parameters.

-Make sure you have a strong Wi-Fi connection (check the Wi-Fi icon at top of the device being used as Switcher). If you have a weak Wi-Fi connection, Switcher Studio cannot properly send information and your streaming video provider may timeout the connection.

-Make sure port 1935 is open and check required networking specs.

-If you continue having issues contact your streaming video provider.
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Thanks for the reply sir,
Actually many sites are blocked by cyberoam captive portal and IDM is not able to download the files.
For unblocking a website I am using 'Easy proxy' chrome extension. I downloaded the Medicines and i am able to unblock the websites but I cannot download files through IDM.
It is showing a error message connection closed by the server. Since i am using proxies do I use it in IDM? If ,please tell me how ?
Regarding this issue i cannot talk to the administrator because we are provided with limited data to download per day and they wont talk.
Just want to learn new and execute is the thing sir.



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@Hemanth Sharma

If your College is having Cyberoam Captive Portal, then You can't use IDM....

IDM, DAP, FTP, everything is blocked.....

the Port through which IDM Download is blocked By Default By Cyberoam....
also, for Colleges, Cyberoam sends Bi-weekly Updates which keeps blocking new Proxies and VPN's (They keep a track on number of connections to same IP as All the VPN Clients connect to the same VPN Server)

so, in the next Update, it may happen that the proxy/VPN which you were using would get blocked.....

Don;t worry mate, I am in the same Boat

My college also has the same cyberoam client and everything is blocked for me too :( :(

Uncle Mac

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Just want to learn new and execute is the thing sir.


@Hemanth Sharma
My college also has the same cyberoam client and everything is blocked for me too :( :(

In that case i would love to recommend both of you something i tried myself since past few years.
Actually in my country i've lost access to youtube & few other pirate sites so i've gotten an idea from my friend, he just given me idea to use proxy but what i would like to prefer here that's self test. i tested and i trusted.

1. Google chrome
2. Zenmate (proxy extension)
(You may also change the locations to any country address that listed to browsing through)
3.Go to Extension's Store and add 1 of the best downloader extension.
Recommended: - -

All set, now enable Zenmate, and browse any site you want to download videos or just do browsing.
Those downloaders will give you 100% full access to any video you played once. click on downloader extension's icon and you will see download link to grab it.
Hope both of you will try it and report back here, i'm sure you will be satisfy after testing it once. :)


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My college also has the same cyberoam client and everything is blocked for me too :( :(
Try of this


A Simple Browser (Much Similar To Mozilla FireFox) introduced by TOR Project is Freely available in market that allows you to surf internet anonymously!
The Tor Browser Bundle can be installed on Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux without needing to install any software.
TOR Browser Will automatically finds proxy servers from global range of servers building connection through an encrypted tunnel and then it will execute its Browser from where you can surf the net anonymously!

Must See:

2)IP Address Trick:

Here it goes the IP(Internet Protocol) Trick i.e, There may be chance that Administrator of Cyberoam may have blocked the Sites Name but Not IP Of that Website!
So, You may able to Access that site by Putting that Sites IP in place of URL,
Now you will say how to Find IP of that Site then Its Easiest Trick is on Windows CMD(Command Prompt) Itself.

  • Open >> “CMD”(Command Prompt) from Accessories or Just Execute it from RUN.
  • Type >> “ping website name” here Website name is the Websites Domain Name,
  • For e.g, >> “ping” and then hit enter.
You will get above IP as Highlighted.Just Note it down and Put in Address Bar.
If you getting again Cyberoam Error than you may try Another Methods too!

3)Using Google Cached Pages:

As We all know that Google Bots Crawl Each Website for Indexing them in Search Engine , Google bots do caching of each site. You may use these cached pages to surf the Blocked site with this cache but may be Due to Some delay Google bot may have old cache i.e, Crawled Previous Days Site Cache may be of 3-7 days older than the latest one.

Just Search Website in Google or The keyword or Phrase you want to see from Site like
“enable mass storage mode android jelly”

You will see following Results and do Access Cached pages of that site.


UltraSurf is a lightweight and freeware program works as anti-censorship tool. It allows you to circumvent firewalls using proxies and employs encryption protocols for privacy. After Started, Ultrasurf Will automatically finds proxy servers from global range of servers building connection through an encrypted tunnel.
This is Portable Type of software i.e, it can be run through Pen Drive or portable storage devices too.


HotSpot Shield is the World’s Most Trusted Free VPN (Avail in Paid version too) and used by millions of people to access blocked content.
Once HotSpot Shield started it will assign Proxy Server and Build connection through an encrypted tunnel and then you may access blocked sites from any Browser securely and Privately.
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Thank you once again sir, The trick using zenmate is not able open webpages ( Err proxy certification failed) . I am using Easy proxy , this is doing well. Only problem is I am unable to download files using IDM. If I am using proxy should I use the same in IDM& U TORRENT. Also I can download a torrent but I am not able to download files from it .
Kindly help me sir. Thank You for being patient and replying to my threads.

Uncle Mac

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Thank you once again sir, The trick using zenmate is not able open webpages ( Err proxy certification failed) . I am using Easy proxy , this is doing well. Only problem is I am unable to download files using IDM. If I am using proxy should I use the same in IDM& U TORRENT. Also I can download a torrent but I am not able to download files from it .
Kindly help me sir. Thank You for being patient and replying to my threads.
Well, i thought you've about to download videos and browsing sites. But you've on something else.

In that case, on VPN can solve this issue.
First of all i suggest you to go for @aXeSwY 's Recommendation.
2ndly of all, if you still not satisfy then i recommend you to go for friend site reading guide. Here it is and i hope you will get something for sure.
Go here:

Note: It's not a promotion, doesn't mean i'm forcing someone to read that guide, it means i want to help so anyone can get help through it because that guide really trusted by 1000 of users. i hope this might help this user to get something he want.
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Sir, I tried
tor browser - It is loading for a long time (>25 min) to establish connect
Ip address trick - Direct search for Ip's not allowed
Ultrasurf- Contacting to server ( taking long time > 20 min)
Hotspot Shield VPN- Error connecting (cannot connect)

My problem isn't solved sir, I am able to unblock websites using (Easy proxy) but the problem is my IDM is unable take take downloads from the sites.
Does proxy settings in IDM can solve this issue ? If,please tell me sir

Thank You


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Nothing is going to work as I Know Cyberoam than anyone here :p :p

I have tried Everything I could (didnt tried Backtrack/Kali until now)

Most Of the VPN's (including Hotspot) is blocked by Cyberoam by default and Tor make the connection SLow Speed doesnt go more than 10kbps after tkaing connection time of half Hour or so)

Only thing we can do is use Browser Extensions or create Virtual MAC Address and then use any extensions as the Cyveroam Admin Panel has the Authority to Block MAC Address of your Laptop/Mobile so that your device doesn't connect to the College WiFi again....

Just stick to Extensions....
and forget IDM....

Instead, use Chrome Download Manager when in college.....
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