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Tutorials How to Make Your Own Custom Windows OS


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Hello Mr ELZER,
Can you contact me by private message, I have a question about your video. I followed the procedure to the letter, everything worked fine except that I had put one or two shortcuts on the desktop and a directory with some software and everything disappeared in the final ISO.
I did: disk cleanup as indicated, is this what erased me?
On the other hand, the installed software was present in the final ISO.
Thank you for your help.
a retired and passionate Frenchman.
Thank you for your video
Salut le Frenchman @lemegapro

Maybe you can answer the questions I had for @Elzer on Feb 14. From your own experience. For the benefit of all!
And also provide any interesting stuff you got from a private message if you got one. Again for the benefit of everybody!

A particular name and location for this/these folder(s) with iso of progs to be installed
I didn't spot the steps to have them installed automatically in the video
And what about registration? If they are registered in VirtualBox the .wim will have the registered version and they'll be installed registered. Right?

Merci d'avance

Another Frenchman. Mais pas encore a la retraite

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