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Locked merry christmas everyone! As a bit of a reflection, I wanted to tell you probably the craziest teamos story I can rerember.

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Hey everyone, merry Christmas. I am alive. I'm going to tell all of you a TeamOS story about just weeks before I became verified member. This was back when Proteus was still a power user, and I was a lot shorter and younger back then, and I certainly can say life was good back then, it's not now though.

This is terribly formatted, and I am very sorry.

Anyway, so I think was 4 weeks before, I'm in teamos shoutbox, covered in bags, and I'm telling everyone, hey, gonna be gone for a week as I am going to be at scout camp. And so, everyone wished me good luck and my parents drove me over to the meetup where we were going to be driving to the camp, and yes we got there safely.

Anyway, I'm not gonna go into the details of the next 6 days, this isn't important to the story, but then and there I was planning some Windows 7 mod stuff while at camp as I was multi-booting a netbook at the time. But oh boy, the last night was crazy.
So I just gotten back from a lake, ate like, 6 hot dogs, and a lot of other food, because oh boy I was hungry, I'd been swimming the whole time, hadn't really thought to eat much. Understandable, right? Well, there was a mistake we made before we went to the lake. One of the scout leaders was in charge of giving me my medicine, which by the way, if I don't have my medicine, you're literally not going to get anything out of me that day, and I'm going to basically look and walk like a zombie and just be completely sick all day. (And no, I'm not addicted, these are prescriptions that are LEGAL and I have to have them every day). Anyway, that scout leader, gave me my night medicine in the morning. How funny. The funny thing is, I felt nothing that entire day somehow, which was for the best, we had a lot of fun at the lake, and those friends ever since I left the church, I've wanted to actually do that again with them, specifically the boat war that we had to see who could stay on the boat for the longest without getting knocked off by the others. Even one of the scout leaders joined in and I remember me and him hogtying each other trying to get on which was just funny as hell and just probably the most funniest and most fun thing that happened while we were there. (That was actually a friend from INL, I haven't seen him in so long and my last moments with him before he moved were basically me freaking out because later on I was getting abused by my parents, and I still feel bad that I didn't listen to his comfort more, because I did listen but I slightly pushed him away and I still, two years later, feel bad about it.) Anyway, we had a spritual talk that night after I oinked down the chips and hot dogs, and we had stayed up a bit, everyone else was in bed, but I had actually stayed up with the leaders for some time, and eventually I couldn't stay awake any longer, the leaders knew that, and they said, trenten (Yes I'm revealing my name to you guys for the first time, I have a feeling someone's going to laugh at my name and that's perfectly understandable, it's a goofy name) you should probably get to bed, and im like, yea, good night everyone =^.^= with just the biggest and warmest smile on my face (I haven't smiled in a long time lol because of some loads of metric tons of mental pain im going through rn but that's completely irrelevant and besides the point, and a story for another time) and I went to bed. Thing is, I don't rerember if I took the pills or how I figured out why I couldn't sleep but here's the gist of that night:
Couldn't sleep for a half hour, im like, ok, im going on a walk
I did.
Still couldn't sleep for a half hour, (btw that's normally the time it takes for my sleep medicine to kick in), im like wtf (back then i would say wtc though because I was still christian, im not anymore though) and so I go and knock on my scout leader's door, and im like, something's wrong, i think im sick, and i need someone to walk me to the bathroom, and that same friend I mentioned earlier is like, alright trenten, I can walk you there, and so he does. Other than a tute, nothing came out, and that's really weird because twenty minutes of pushing, SOMETHING must've come out, but nothing did, no matter how much I angled it, just nothing. And I'm like, how is this not a stomach issue, because 99% of the time that's what it's been, and so I said to my leader, im like, idk what's wrong, i'll probably fall asleep, so you head back to bed and ill see you in the morning, and thank you anyway, i smiled, and so did he, and we both went back to bed.
And again, half a hour later, im like, ok.... (btw this whole time i was writhing in pain because my stomach attacked me for 6 hours straight which was actually more miserable than it sounds, being dead honest) and I start to realize, wait a ****ing minute, wait, did I -- and by the way, in case we ever got bears at the camp, the others didn't do this weirdly, but i was actually smart and i had a sort of double tent. Basically, there was my tent, and there was a tarp with a zipper over it. This was actually beneficial, because in between there were my clothes, shoes, just everything I had on me, and i could store it in there, and the bears couldnt get in. Did we get any bears, i really don't know, i didnt hear any but we might've, really I don't know or remember. Anyway, basically, my morning pills like I said before, I took them at night, and took my night pills at morning. And I'm like, ****ttttttttttttttttt, and eventually I go for like a half hour walk into the woods, just in a straight line, and reason why is because then I can just walk south of where I was walking and I'd be right back and I would not get lost. So i did, and miraculously fell asleep, didn't even know how or when I did, but I did.

So eventually, we wake up, and my leaders are like, did you fall asleep? And I'm like, yeah. And btw I'm looking like a complete mess and I look sick as heck. Not like siiicckkkk, no, i mean my eyes were half open and i looked like I said before, a complete zombie, so i was like that for pretty much the whole way home. When I got home, I told Proteus pretty much everything I'm telling all of you, and we're both like, oh crap, and im still feeling the stomach pain by the way, and Proteus tells me if it keeps it up, go and get this one medicine from the store, and im like, ok, giving it a hour, and if it doesnt, then yeah, im driving over, and half a hour later, whatever bug or thing I had was gone, and me and proteus are like, yayyy
So that is pretty much the craziest teamos story I can rerember.


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it's a crazy story, and interesting... it reminds me of "Drunken Donuts" hollow inside, crispy outside :giggle:
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This was too funny. So many unexpected twists and My favorite part was "Other than a tute, nothing came out, and that's really weird because twenty minutes of pushing, SOMETHING must've come out, but nothing did, no matter how much I angled it, just nothing." Boy, do I know that feeling. 😝


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I think we are doing a depression for you


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I think we are doing a depression for you
Wdym? If you mean the forum, this forum doesn't depress me, lol


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Here is a great tip for you and anyone that takes pills. I take many, so I have to remember which ones I took. Not so easy. So here is what I did. Walmart has those large sized silicon ice cube trays, The perfect size to hold pill bottles.

So I put all my medication in. Morning pills all in a row, and evening pills it their own row. When I take a pill I put the bottle back in - upside down. This way I can determine at a glance if I have taken the pills for that day. Before I go to bed, I check the ice cube tray to make sure all pill bottles are upside down. And in the morning I turn all of them rightside up, to begin again. Best thing I ever thought of.


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Dang, it sounds like you went through hell, a bit comical
but painful, I am very happy you are fine and everything worked out.
It's nice that Proteus was there for you also. :)
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