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Torrent EndeavourOS 2021.08.27 X86_64


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EndeavourOS ISO-Next - A terminal-centric distro


Our ISO-Next has arrived.... - 27.08.2021....

If you like to roll up your sleeves and go on an adventure, then you might want to give us a try. EndeavourOS isn’t an expressway to a predefined destination in computing, it is all about the journey towards your own destination and on top of that, you’ll be meeting new and friendly faces during that exploration. Or more appropriate, your new Endeavour.

We provide you with the opportunity to discover the flexible possibilities an Arch-based distro can give you, a user-friendly installer that gives you the option to install the system with an offline install, having a minimal but attractive looking Xfce desktop environment, and an online install option with ten different flavours in a basic and customizable look to choose from.

It doesn’t matter which option or flavour you choose, they all offer the same powerful jumpstart to begin your exciting journey towards your own destination in computing. All options have the basics like sound, network, graphics, Yay, a terminal operated AUR helper and the browser Firefox already onboard. This is the perfect start in creating your own personal computing experience, custom-made by you.

Our very own Welcome app is the first gateway to assist you on your journey. It is equipped with some very helpful tools you even want to use after you have reached your destination. That together with our wiki, a well-organized knowledge base, will allow you to build your confidence during your exploration.

But that’s not all. Our most powerful feature is not an app or automation. It is a warm, vibrant, friendly, living and breathing resource with the incredible power to boost up your enthusiasm during your journey… Our stellar community. It doesn’t matter if you are having trouble finding the right printer driver or your system doesn’t do what you want it to do. Please don’t hesitate to ask for help on our forum, Telegram or Reddit subpage. There are always friendly faces to guide you in the right direction.

With this release, we introduce a new app called eos-apps-info. It lists all our apps that enhance the experience of our distro. It isn’t only a list but it also contains manuals, based on Pandoc, of each app with a clear instruction that includes pictures as well, just to make it more convenient.

Like most of our apps, eos-apps-info isn’t installed by default. You can install it by using this command:

yay -S eos-apps-info

The changes for Calamares are the most significant ones made on this release.

In comparison to our previous releases, this release brings us to a higher level and we are confident to say that this ISO is a milestone step towards our future.

The changes made are complete overhaul changes under the hood of Calamares with a significant speed increase in installation as the most stellar improvement. This was achieved by throwing our previous system entirely out of the window and building the ISO from scratch, which resulted in an installer that is fast, light, easy to maintain, easy to add new features in and a hugely improved user experience.

Test results did clock an online install time from three to fifteen minutes, depending on the available internet speed.

Quick Walkthrough Of Changelog
  • When using auto partitioning in the installer, BTRFS now can be chosen with the possibility to create a file system with a subvolume scheme. Needless to say that EXT4 will still be an option to choose from in the auto partition.
  • Now, the wifi setting used in the live environment will be automatically installed during installation, so there’s no need to re-enter your password on a new install.
  • When chosen a DE or WM that uses LightDM, the settings of LightDM have been improved to prevent a black screen at boot with certain hardware systems. Now LightDM will wait until the GPU and GPU settings are completely initialized before starting up. GDM and SDDM didn’t have this issue.
  • The boot process on the initial boot is more failproof, thanks to improvements the Arch team made on the archiso.
  • The installation process doesn’t fetch packages from GitHub anymore but fetches them from our repository, to prevent failed installs from users in countries where GitHub is blocked or failing due to personal security settings like firewalls etc.
  • Another improvement to prevent failed installations is the hugely improved mirrorlist handling that minimizes the use of bad mirrors.
  • Calamares has an improved and better design that makes it easier for the user to deselect the packages they don’t need in the selected DE.
  • When chosen XFCE4 or i3wm in the online installer, we now offer the possibility to select or deselect the EndeavourOS theming. For the offline XFCE4 install, the EndeavourOS theme will still be installed.
  • The Linux-lts kernel can now be chosen as an option in Calamares.
  • With the help of our moderators, we have successfully implemented the option to use parallel downloads, introduced with Pacman 6, to choose during install which decreases the installation time by a landslide. The installation time is already incredibly fast by default compared to the previous ISO, but for people who have a fast and reliable internet speed, choosing parallel downloads can be a lightning-fast installation experience.
  • Xfce: A highly customizable and lightweight Desktop Environment with a traditional touch and feel. The perfect choice for lower specs hardware that requires a minimum of 2 GB of RAM, but for a smooth experience we recommend 4 GB of RAM.
  • Mate: A lightweight Desktop Environment that supports newer technologies with a traditional Desktop. Mate works with a minimum of 2 GB of RAM, but for a smoother experience we recommend 4GB of RAM .
  • Cinnamon: Cinnamon is a Linux desktop environment reminiscent of GNOME 2 that offers flexibility and speed. For Cinnamon, we recommend 4GB of RAM and up for a smooth experience.
  • Gnome: Is a modern and customizable Desktop Environment that lets you get things done. For Gnome, we recommend a minimum of 4 GB of RAM for a smooth experience
  • Plasma: Plasma is made to stay out of the way as it helps you get things done. But under its light and intuitive surface, it’s a powerhouse. So you’re free to choose ways of usage right as you need them and when you need them. For Plasma, we recommend a minimum of 4 GB of RAM.
  • Budgie: A Desktop Environment, you can mix modernity and traditions. Based on a classical display and an all-in-one settings bar for music, video and more. For Budgie, we recommend a minimum of 4 GB of RAM..
  • LXQT: LXQt is a lightweight Qt desktop environment that will not get in your way, so it will not hang or slow down your system. It is focused on being a classic desktop with a modern look and feel. LXQt works on a minimum of 2GB of RAM, but for a smoother experience we recommend 4GB of RAM.
  • i3-wm: i3-wm is a lightweight Window Manager that operates exclusively with the keyboard. Our version has a simple and easy configuration with LXappearance to handle GTK themes. We do ship the configuration with an easy (and clickable) cheat sheet to get you started. Due to its light resources it really has a small footprint.
  • BSPWM: A tiling window manager that represents windows as the leaves of a full binary tree.
    This community edition provides an easy jumpstart to explore this exciting keyboard driven alternative.
  • Sway: Sway is a tiling Wayland compositor and a drop-in replacement for the i3 window manager for X11. It works with your existing i3 configuration and supports most of i3's features, plus a few extras.



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